ERA Rotterdam
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
Kamer J05-31
3062 PA Rotterdam

May 20, 2024

Subject: Information about the association

Welcome to the Philosophical Faculty Association ERA, the vibrant student association associated with the philosophy faculty. At ERA, we aim to create a lively and inspiring environment for philosophy students, where academic enrichment goes hand in hand with camaraderie and enjoyment.

One of our notable activities is the pub lectures, where a professor comes to share their insights on a topic they find intriguing, in a more informal setting within a pub atmosphere. This informal setting fosters open discussions and new insights.

In addition to pub lectures, we regularly organize philosophy evenings where members gather to delve into philosophical topics and ideas. We also blend philosophy with entertainment during our philosophy and film evenings, where we watch a film and then relate it to philosophical themes.

But ERA offers more than just philosophical activities. Our committees, such as the Activities Committee (EVA), the Sports Committee (SPOCO), the Travel Committee (REISCO), the Academic Committee (ADAM), and the External Committee, provide a diverse range of events. From escape rooms to paintballing, from active pursuits to cultural discoveries during our annual trips to cities like Paris and Ghent, there's something for everyone.

At ERA, we believe in bringing together people with a passion for philosophy and creating unforgettable experiences, both academically and socially. Join our vibrant community and explore the world of philosophy like never before!

© 2024 Wijsgerige faculteitsvereniging ERA Rotterdam